

AAUW advances equity for women and girls through advocacy, education, philanthropy, and research.

AAUW - American Association of University Women

AAUW has been empowering women as individuals and as a community since 1881. For more than 130 years, we have worked together as a national grassroots organization to improve the lives of millions of women and their families.

The mission of the Barbara Bush Foundation is to advocate for and establish literacy as a value in every home.

Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy

The Barbara Bush Foundation for Family Literacy is focused on fulfilling its mission by providing low-income families across the nation with scholarships to learn together. We partner with a network of high-performing local family literacy programs that help both young children and their parents learn how to read and write. When families share a love of reading, children have a far greater chance to live more productive and healthier lives, graduate from high school, and obtain a better job. Supporting family literacy programs is a win-win for parents and children where they acquire basic literacy skills that help them advance their education and provide greater opportunities to succeed.

Educate the Children works with women and children in Nepal to overcome poverty, illiteracy, and discrimination through integrated community development

Educate the Children International

Nepal's rural poor women improve their lives by learning to read and write; plant kitchen gardens; save and borrow through their group's micro-credit system; learning about health, nutrition, and their legal rights. ETC establishes community-based micro-lending and literacy programs, provide scholarships for girls, and teach families skills to improve nutrition and sanitation in the home. ETC is dedicated to creating community and family structures that remain self-sustaining well in to the future.

70% of public school children in Nicaragua will drop out of school before graduating 6th grade. This is largely due to the extreme poverty families endure in the rural areas. Enrich Missions helps impoverished students in rural Nicaragua reach their full potential. Many times, this means providing a hot meal and vitamin. As part of our program, Enrich Missions provides a well balanced, high quality meal to at risk students. Far from standard rice and beans, menus include fish tacos, hamburger sliders, vegetable chowder, and soy burritos. With ingredients locally sourced and fair traded, we're making an impact in our neighborhood in Nicaragua. To continue enriching the lives of students, Enrich Missions coordinates students from the local university to tutor young impoverished students in the barrio Sur Maria Romero. We also provide uniforms, school materials, medicine, and youth activities. Everything a student needs to excel, and break the cycle of poverty. #iEnrich

Enrich Missions Nutrition Program

Our goal is raise funds to continue to add children to the Nutrition Program. On Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays we provide a hot, balanced meal to over 120 students + a multivitamin. We are constantly partnering with more public schools and more schools means more kids, and more success stories. Our daily average budget is U$80.

Future Legends has a VISION to be the finest mentoring and financial aid program in the country shaping our next generation of leaders.

Future Legends

The Future Legends ChangeGiving campaign provides donors and supporters a platform to donate their spare change from every card transaction directly to Future Legends. The Mission of Future Legends is to mentor and award scholarships to deserving students in pursuit of higher education.

The Futures in Aerospace initiative connects students to industry, aviation executives, and college and career opportunities. Students obtain an understanding of their hard and soft skills, articulate those skills on their resumes, share the skills and passions through face-to-face interaction, and develop strong relationships with aviation leaders. There’s a great deal of skilled talent in areas impacted by nearby airports (large to small). The program identifies interested students and builds pathways to guide them toward continued education and/or direct workforce employment. The careers and mentoring program provides career readiness tools, best practices, and mentors, thus elevating their chances of pursuing their educational and career goals. The career development workshops are conducted in multiple locations. They feature presentations by aviation executives, who share their experience, descriptions of their company specialties, overviews of hiring practices, and career-focused advice. In addition to the presentations, students will receive career planning best practices, such as skills identification, resume writing, interviewing tips, and networking instruction. The goal is for students to be well prepared to meet aviation executives and recruiters at the large networking reception, with resumes in hand, creating strong first impressions, conducting meaningful dialogue, and taking strategic next steps. If all goes well for the students, they’ll leave with job shadowing, internship, and part and full-time employment commitments.

Futures in Aerospace

Pathways to Aviation addresses workforce shortages and enhances economic development, which significantly impacts the aviation industry. The paths taken to pursue the vision will be through the following deliverables: -, Empowering a new generation of aviation experts and leaders. -, Filling jobs with quality labor. -, Awarding scholarships to students attending four-year, two-year, and specialty instruction. -, Spearheading a vibrant aviation community, fostering informative outreach, new and mutually-benefit collaborations, and workforce connections and pursuits. -, Fostering 100% of hiring from local and nearby locations. -, Demonstrating measurable ROI on sponsorship and charitable investments. -, Pursuing aviation education in schools. -, Forging new territory in aviation, aerospace, and unmanned aerial systems. -, Serving as the voice and source of aviation.

Giant Steps is focused exclusively on serving individuals and families affected by Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD).

Giant Steps

Our goal is to improve a child's ability to interact, communicate, and develop academic and daily living skills through a one-on-one integrated approach encompassing autism education, training, therapy, recreation, and life skills.

Your donation will help our Therapy dogs help children with reading disabilities.

Helping children read, one "tail" at a time.

Read to Sydney is a 501C3 not for profit organization. Our mission is to help children of all ages, gender and race not only learn to read, but to also build their confidence in both reading and communication skills using our team of Registered Therapy Dogs.

The University of Guadalajara Foundation USA es el proyecto académico y cultural de la Universidad de Guadalajara en Estados Unidos que impulsa la formación integral de la comunidad mexicana y el desarrollo de su máximo potencial en un ambiente multicultural. UDG Foundatión USA opera principalmente en las ciudades de Los Ángeles, California y Chicago, Illinois. Es una organización sin fines de lucro que aprovecha la infraestructura y al personal académico, científico y administrativo de los Centros Universitarios que conforman la Red Universitaria de la Universidad de Guadalajara para impulsar su propuesta académica extracurricular y online en Los Estados Unidos de América a través del Sistema de Universidad Virtual que ofrece una variedad de cursos, así como estudios de bachillerato, licenciatura y posgrados.

La educación transforma. Hazlo posible

La educación tiene un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de los individuos y de nuestra sociedad, es la herramienta que transforma vidas y crea oportunidades que convierten el conocimiento en el motor de desarrollo social, crecimiento económico y fortalecimiento de la identidad. La Universidad de Guadalajara, con una tradición de más de dos siglos, se ha convertido en una de las instituciones líderes de educación superior en México, distinguida por su cultura de innovación y calidad. The University of Guadalajara Foundation USA, ofrece oportunidades de desarrollo profesional a la comunidad de origen mexicano y latino en Estados Unidos, para contribuir en su desarrollo personal y en el bienestar de sus familias y de las comunidades en las que residen.

Future Legends has a VISION to be the finest mentoring and financial aid program in the country shaping our next generation of leaders.

Legendary Women Luncheon

Legendary Women is an Auxiliary of Future Legends designed to support scholarship and mentorship operations of the organization through fundraising and development. Future Legends has the vision of being the finest scholarship and mentorship program in the United States and in our 12 years of continuous operations we have maintained a 100% graduation rate amongst our scholars,

The University of Guadalajara Foundation USA es el proyecto académico y cultural de la Universidad de Guadalajara en Estados Unidos que impulsa la formación integral de la comunidad mexicana y el desarrollo de su máximo potencial en un ambiente multicultural. UDG Foundatión USA opera principalmente en las ciudades de Los Ángeles, California y Chicago, Illinois. Es una organización sin fines de lucro que aprovecha la infraestructura y al personal académico, científico y administrativo de los Centros Universitarios que conforman la Red Universitaria de la Universidad de Guadalajara para impulsar su propuesta académica extracurricular y online en Los Estados Unidos de América a través del Sistema de Universidad Virtual que ofrece una variedad de cursos, así como estudios de bachillerato, licenciatura y posgrados.

Let´s Go LeaLA!

Thanks to LéaLA it is possible to instill appreciation and pride in national identity through the use and reading of the Spanish language among first generation Mexicans and their descendants; It also enables the cultural and creative development of the community, favoring human development by strengthening the ties of collaboration between Jalisco and California.

Amer-I-Can is a national program and movement, created by NFL great Jim Brown, to empower individuals to take charge of their lives and achieve their full potential.

Life Management Skills Program Expansion

We believe that the failure in personal development and the lack of self-esteem are the root causes of the aforementioned problems that plague our society today. We believe that by enlarging the scope of individual lives, by introducing them to self-determination techniques, by motivating them with goals, by showing them how to improve and achieve success and financial stability, we will save lives that now seem to be lost. The journey to successful completion of a goal represents the heart of the Amer-I-Can Program. It is the path and the understanding of each step along that path that is the backbone and structural foundation upon which our program solidly rests. Success is not only for the elite, well-educated, and the wealthy. Success is there for those who want it, plan for it, and take action to achieve it. The Amer-I-Can Program will help participants develop their attitude from one of self-doubt to self-determination. We believe that in addition to understanding the goal-setting process, a person must honestly examine the whys and wherefores of past behavior patterns that have negatively affected their life. Once this understanding has been firmly established, the person will be able to change their thing from “I Can’t” to “I-Can,” by accepting the responsibility of determining the direction of their life.To expand programming in our current national markets.

The University of Guadalajara Foundation USA es el proyecto académico y cultural de la Universidad de Guadalajara en Estados Unidos que impulsa la formación integral de la comunidad mexicana y el desarrollo de su máximo potencial en un ambiente multicultural. UDG Foundatión USA opera principalmente en las ciudades de Los Ángeles, California y Chicago, Illinois. Es una organización sin fines de lucro que aprovecha la infraestructura y al personal académico, científico y administrativo de los Centros Universitarios que conforman la Red Universitaria de la Universidad de Guadalajara para impulsar su propuesta académica extracurricular y online en Los Estados Unidos de América a través del Sistema de Universidad Virtual que ofrece una variedad de cursos, así como estudios de bachillerato, licenciatura y posgrados.

México en el Corazón

La educación y la cultura tienen un papel fundamental en el desarrollo de los individuos y de nuestra sociedad, son las herramientas que transforman vidas y crean oportunidades que convierten el conocimiento en el motor de desarrollo social, crecimiento económico y fortalecimiento de la identidad. Nuestro compromiso es promover eventos tanto educativos como culturales de alta calidad para nuestra comunidad Angelina.

About the Farm Coastal Roots Farm is a nonprofit Jewish community farm and education center where we practice organic farming, share our harvest with those who lack access, deliver unique farm-based, environmental education, and foster inclusive spaces for people of all ages and backgrounds to come together to learn about food, farming, and Jewish tradition, and engage in ways that catalyze a healthier, more vibrant community and a more sustainable future for our region. The Farm is located in Encinitas, California, on land we recognize as indigenous to the Kumeyaay and Luiseño peoples. Each year, the Farm grows 60,000-80,000 pounds of fresh, organic food for more than 30,000 people including more than half which gets donated to community members in need. Additionally, we reach more than 12,000 community members through programs and events. This is how we "Nourish Community." Our Work Regenerative Agriculture, Equitable Food Access, Environmental Education, and Jewish Life Central to the Farm’s work is our commitment to reducing community hunger by growing and distributing fresh, organic produce and eggs to those most marginalized, inspiring environmental stewardship through high-quality farm-based educational programming for youth and adults, and fostering a healthier, more vibrant, and inclusive community and a more sustainable future for our region. Our Impact Since our inception in 2014, the Farm has: - Grown and distributed nearly 400,000 pounds of organic produce and eggs for more than 250,000 individuals. - Welcomed nearly 20,000 youth for educational programming, including more than half on scholarship. - Engaged nearly 50,000 individuals of all ages through accessible, inclusive, and intergenerational community programs and events. - Diverted 5.8 million pounds of waste from the landfill through composting and turned it into nutrient-dense soil.

Nourishing Community

<html> <h3>About the Farm</h3> Today’s industrialized food system produces food fast and cheap but it comes at a huge cost: too many are left hungry, and conventional land practices have a devastating impact on our environment. But the solution is just below our feet. At Coastal Roots Farm, we practice regenerative, climate-smart farming, growing 80,000 of food and feeding 45,000 people each year. The majority (75%) is donated to those in need. Jewish values like Arevut (mutual care) remind us that we are responsible for one another, and we educate more than 10,000 youth to be the next generation of conscious stewards. More than half of students and campers rely on scholarship to attend programs on the Farm. Through food we can fight climate change and care for our neighbors. Help us reimagine our food system. Your donation uplifts the Farm’s impact and ensures we can continue to Nourish Community from the ground, up.

Did you know that reading aloud to children is the single best predictor of their future success in reading? Reading Legacies is a San Diego-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization whose mission is to facilitate supportive relationships for children through family and friends reading aloud with them. We hope that, one day, all children will feel the security of caring adult relationships and develop a love for reading. In addition to setting them up for success, reading with children creates feelings of attachment and security, and reinforces the knowledge that they are valued. Our special focus on children with incarcerated parents, children with parents suffering from addiction, low-income families, and children whose grandparents are living in retirement communities allows our programs to reach some of San Diego's most underserved populations. Our three programs are provided year round in 16 sites throughout San Diego County with the help of over 200 volunteers. Since our inception in 2009, over 49,500 children, youth and family members have shared a storybook together through our programs!

Reading Legacies

Every penny counts toward the communities and children we serve! Please join us in supporting our mission to rescue children from the cycle of failure through intergenerational shared-reading experiences with family and supportive community members. Our goal is to raise $100,000 towards the continuation of our mission and programs.

The mission of Sensory Processing Alliance is to provide support and understanding of Sensory Processing Disorderand those affected by it, through the sharing of information and resources.

Sensory Processing Alliance Inc

The Sensory Processing Alliance has four main areas we work in: The first is support. The thing heard most from parents of children with SPD is that they feel isolated by it. It’s hard for friends and family to understand what SPD is and what the family is going through. SPA aims to support these families by connecting them to each other through online and in-person support groups. Children with SPD also need to know that they are not alone and there are other children out there just like them. The second area we work in is awareness. It’s one thing to have people in your situation understand you, but it’s another for the community at large to be able to understand and support you. Children with SPD are frequently misunderstood and their feelings are brushed off as an exaggeration. We offer free presentations to educators, health care professionals, and all groups that work with children who may have SPD. These presentations teach about what SPD is and how to work with someone who has it. The third area we work in is resources. There are so many great tools out there to help people with SPD to get through their day to day lives. Little things that can make a big difference. We provide free assistive materials to people with SPD and those who work with them. If a teacher finds that they need something like a weighted vest for a student, but the school can not provide it, that’s where we come in. The fourth is research. There is still so much to learn about SPD and how we can help those with it. Not only do we share the latest research and its applications, but we also fund it. If we are truly going to provide support and understanding then we need to know as much as we can about SPD and how it works. A portion of the funds we raise will be made available to those groups that are researching the causes and treatments of SPD.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation supports the families of fallen and severely wounded special operators.

Special Operations Warrior Foundation

The Special Operations Warrior Foundation ensures full financial assistance for a post-secondary degree from an accredited two or four-year college, university, technical, or trade school; and offers family and educational counseling, including in-home tutoring, to the surviving children of Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps special operations personnel who lose their lives in the line of duty. The Special Operations Warrior Foundation also provides immediate financial assistance to severely wounded and hospitalized special operations personnel.

Transforming the lives of at-risk students since 1973.

Street School, Inc

We are an alternative high school with a therapeutic counseling program. The school's mission is to create a supportive community for students in grades 9 through 12 who have chosen to work toward high school graduation in a non-traditional setting. Street School is a dropout prevention, intervention and recovery program accredited by Tulsa Public Schools and recognized nationally as a leader in dropout prevention. Students choose to attend Street School because they are committed to graduating from high school, to learning and practicing life skills, to resolving substance abuse problems, to dealing with behavioral issues, and to filling the void of support traditionally provided by family.

To celebrate and honor the 70th Birthday of Apple Co-Founder and living legend, Steve 'Woz' Wozniak, we have created an online virtual birthday celebration along with some of Woz's closest friends and fans including Andrea Bocelli, Alejandro Sanz, Shaq, Jay Leno, Mark Cuban, Chris Rock, Tony Robbins and many more. The funds raised through Woz's birthday celebration, scavenger hunt and finale will go towards Woz's favorite foundation-Jewel's Inspiring Children Foundation. Co-created by Grammy Nominated Singer-Songwriter Jewel, Ryan Wolfington, and Marty Hennessy, for 18 years The Inspiring Children Foundation and Never Broken program has been empowering children struggling with financial hardship, anxiety, depression and suicidal ideation by giving them the ultimate environment to survive then thrive at the highest levels. With teenage suicide up 70%, anxiety and depression doubling, the foundation has been at the forefront of solving this mental health epidemic. The program arms at-risk youth with everything they need to be physically, emotionally and mentally healthy in a fun and inspirational way, online and in person. This ecosystem of excellence includes; emotional intelligence, SEL, mindfulness/meditation, DBT, Trauma treatment, group counseling and mentoring, leadership development, entrepreneur skills, nutrition, yoga, tennis, sleep science, and academics. 80% of operations are run by the children. Children gain know-how, an understanding of themselves, and confidence by earning their way in the real life “project driven learning” program. The young leaders have been so academically, athletically and personally developed that 95% have been offered scholarships and admissions into the best colleges in the world including: Stanford, Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Georgetown, Penn-Wharton, Brown, Dartmouth, Williams, Columbia, Naval Academy, USC, Vanderbilt and 100 more. Most importantly these children are being armed with a “psychology for life” that helps them to generate their own peace of mind and contentment as self-actualized leaders. To learn more about Jewel’s programs visit Check out our online auction with cool items such as dinners with celebrities, signed by Woz Apple merchandise, exclusive hotel packages, private concerts and more at:

The Inspiring Children Foundation

Our goal is to raise $1 million. 100% of all donations will go directly towards providing physical, mental and emotional health programming and resources to the youth within our programs. With 4 of our annual fundraisers being cancelled in 2020 due to the COVID-19 Pandemic, we lost 80% of our annual revenue. 90% of our kids' parents lost their jobs and income which has put significant pressure on our foundation to assist these families in their time of need. Through the ChangeGiving app, our focus is to regain this funding through the support of generous donors who believe in our mission. Ultimately, our objective is to continue to positively impact the lives of young people who are struggling with their physical, mental or emotional health. Our focus is to equip our youth with the tools they need to face any challenge that arises in their lives and to help them create a greater sense of confidence, happiness and peace of mind within themselves.
